Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hamstring Rehab

This is an athlete with a grade 2 strain of the L bicep femoris muscle. Although the injury is only a few days old, I'm already doing agility work in the transverse & frontal planes. The ahthlete cannot jog without limping, but looks sound in these two planes. I will avoid going directly into the sagittal plane at this time, understanding it's beyond this athlete's threshold. This way I am producing neural drive to the muscle in an integrated manner, meaning there are plenty of other muscles around to assist the BF. In addition, I'm minimizing scar formation. An article in the March '04 JOSPT by Sherry & Best supports this approach.


Kevin Moody said...


Could you elaborate a little more on the top photo? I'll employ mini band work along with Vern's multi plane lunges and step-ups for hamstring strains that I see.

A update on me. I left the OTC a little over a year ago and work for a Medical Center providing outreach ATC services to two local high schools. I have two one hour weekly visits at each school so my time with the athletes is limited.

Your blog is great, I have learned quite a few things since you started posted. I hope that I can contribute useful information also and would challenge other readers to do the same so that your site can truly be an elite forum for Athletic Trainers.

Kevin Moody, ATC

Joe Przytula said...

The exercise is rotational mountain climbers. Many hamstring strains occur because of lack of core strength to stabilize the pelvis. This addresses that, plus sneaks in the sagittal plane through the transverse.