Friday, March 26, 2010

Hip Extension ROM

The Thomas Test is the gold standard, but what are you really measuring? In my mind, it's the contralateral leg's influence on the dominant side. That leg popping off the the table may not necessarily be a tight rectus femoris or iliopsoas. A tight opposite side hip capsule, femoral ante/retroversions to name a few will influence the opposite leg. Not that that is a bad thing, it's all useful information.

However, the one I am more comfortable is the osteopathic version. Pretty simple, place the thumb of hand closest to the athlete's head on the PSIS, the other on the distal femur and lift. The first sense of pressure on the thumb is your end range of hip extension. If you see the pelvis rotate or lower back arch, you went way past your end range. Note any sensation of torqing of the femur that may clue you in on a ante/retroversion.

1 comment:

wmckesson said...

I completely agree with this observation. So many times I have had wondered what connections this test has with tightness in the contra-lateral leg. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.