Monday, November 30, 2009

GAIN '10 Dates Released!

Dive into the stuff we talk about on this blog. Don't worry, we'll all be in the deep end over our heads! Believe me when I tell you not a minute of the 6 days from the 18th to the 23rd of June is wasted. Our Australian mate Kelvin Giles makes sure of that- "if you're on time you're 5 minutes late!" No passive learning here; we're all learning, working out, eating, and just hanging out together.

Besides all the great presenters from last year, Frans Bosch will be joining us. If you haven't read his running biomechanics book you are really missing out.

In addition to the meeting, you join our community of learning & sharing. We've got a website where we continuously send documents & videos back & forth to re-enforce & apply what we've learned in Florida. We hope you can join the revolution.

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