Monday, April 12, 2010

Musings from the '09 Fascial Congress

*Great quote from Jaap van der Wal: "Ligaments do not exist, because they are so emeshed with connective tissue that the pictures we see in anatomy texts are science fiction". He feels the term "dynament" is more appropriate.

Something we tend to forget; that ligaments are alive & kickin' proprioceptively rich structures that communicate with the rest of the body and are indeed continuous with fascia.

*Carla Stecco's continuing research on the intra-fascial nervous system: These nerves are primarily oriented perpendicularly, and more likely to be stimulated by collegen stretch.

More evidence of the right/left interdependence of the body both in training and in rehabilitation.

*Serge Gracovetsky quote: "The virtually instantaneous reconfiguration (of fascia) suggests the effect of manual therapy can be immediate & significant. It is a serious challange to the classical representation and modeling of biomechanical systems."

I feel this is a nod to biotensegrity, something I feel is a better model of core stability. I always questioned the concept that it's the core that zooms the rest of the body. Dysfunctions in the limbs can indeed zoom the core and cause hip, back, and neck pain.

*Walter Herzog commented on the disconnect between "doing & explaining"; that is the researcher & the clinician.

But, that's what I'm trying to address in this blog...even though I don't always do a good job.

1 comment:

JH said...

I found this statement last week in an anatomy book, "Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System" by James Watkins, he says, "...becuase tension in ligaments and skin can be caused by movement in a number of directions, it is unlikely that the proprioceptors can provide information on movements in specific directions. For these reasons, it is thought that the contribution of proprioceptors in ligaments and skin is relatively small (Griggs 1994). However, the proprioceptors may make a significant contribution to joint stability in reflexive muscular activity."

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