Friday, December 31, 2010

My last post of the year.

Great comment on Fascia from British Osteopath Leon Chaitow:

"in therapeutic terms, as well as anatomically, there is little logic in trying to consider muscles and
joints as separate structures from fascia, because they are so intimately related. Remove connective tissue from the scene and any muscle left would be a jelly-like structure without form or functional ability, and joints would quite simply fall apart.  We also now know that there exists a tensegrity-like state of structural and functional continuity between all of the body’s hard and soft tissues, with fascia being the ubiquitous elastic- plastic, gluey, component that invests, supports and separates, connects and divides, wraps and gives cohesion, to the rest of the body- the fascial, connective tissue network.

 Any tendency to think of a local dysfunction, as existing in isolation should be discouraged as we try to visualize a complex, interrelated, symbiotically functioning assortment of tissues, comprising skin, muscles, ligaments, tendons and bone, as well as the neural structures, blood and lymph channels, and vessels that bisect and invest these tissues e all given shape, form and functional ability by the fascia."-  JBMT 1-11 (pre-print)


Kev said...

Is that the long winded way to say train movements not muscles?

Joe Przytula said...

Validates the functional approach; makes me more confident we are on the right path here. With our motor learning background, the "older" ATC's with a P.E. background are really poised to finally define themselves from P.T.'s & other health care professionals, if they care. I am down to a measly 45 hits a day, I'm sure most aren't even ATC's.