Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We can do better.

"Countrywide Campaign to Prevent Soccer Injuries in Swiss Amateur Players"- Junge et all, AJSM '1-11.
In the U.S. we have the "Santa Monica program".  In Europe you have "The "11".

In Switzerland, football (soccer) teams performing ‘‘The 11’’ had an 11.5% lower incidence of match injuries and a 25.3% lower incidence of training injuries than other teams; noncontact injuries in particular were prevented by the program.  In the U.S., the Santa Monica protocol ACL prevention program dropped female collegiate soccer injury rates an overall 41%, and non contact injuries 70%. The program is free online at:

While I admire the effort, and the results, both are really not programs but exercises slapped together.  Why isn't a good lower extremity performance & prevention program weaved seamlessly into the athletic development model, if there is a model at all?!
If we have already identified the problem, then why wait till the high school or club years?  Why not begin in elementary school?
Never forget sports medicine is a discipline that has always been driven by the field practitioners.

1 comment:

sal m said...

Is it really the program that is responsible to the improvement in the injury rate or is the awareness of, and commitment to, improving conditioning and athletic development? Is taking ten minutes a day a few times a week, over many weeks, enough to see improvement?

So many youth level sports emphasize play over practice and instruction that you have to wonder if this myopic approach to sports is more responsible for injuries, especially for females, than any other factor.