Tuesday, January 20, 2009

GAIN '09 Lineup announced

Apprentorship = Apprenticeship + Mentorship.
What a lineup!! In addition to last year's faculty James Radcliffe & Kelvin Giles have been added.
James is the S&C coach at the University of Oregon, and author of "Functional Training for all Sports".
Kelvin is president of "Movement Dynamics" and is really doing some interesting work on creating an athletic profile as a starting block for athletic development & identifying movement problems.
There will be more info posted on www.gambetta.com in the coming days. If you really want to dive into this stuff join us this June in Florida USA. We're on the go from 6am-ish to 10pm-ish with both formal & informal hands on instruction. In addition, we have our own web forum where I have the opportunity to go deeper into the ideas in this blog, upload video etc.

1 comment:

Kev said...

"Jimmy Rad" is the man!!! He's been at the U of O for a long time going way back to my grad school days.

There is much to be learned from him!