The first strip of tape is a piece of leukotape applied to the lateral malleolus running posterior/superior & anchored to the anterior/distal tibia. This is the traditional Mulligan style taping for a positional fault of the fibula on the talus. This is effective for most ankle sprains, although it may not have anything to do with a positional fault. I think gliding the distal fib back takes some stress off an injured posterior talofibular lig; and the circular pattern approximates the distal tib/fib joint.
The 2nd strip runs underneath the medial calcaneus & anchors just below the medial malleolus, reducing stress on the deltoid lig. I know you are wondering about the varus angle the tape has created, but don't worry. As soon as the athlete ambulates ground reaction force will cancel that out. This athlete was so comfortable after the taping he practiced the following day & played in next day's game.
Taking the time to do a good traditional & functional evaluation of your athlete's sprain creates more effective rehab strategies.
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