Saturday, October 25, 2008

A preamble to my next series of posts.

In my next few posts, I'll be referring to the work of Hodges, Jull, & Richardson on core training & spine stability. If it sounds like I'm being critical, nothing can be further from the truth. I'm not in same league as these people. The truth is I'm a 49 year old man who watches cartoons at night to help him relax before bed time.
However, this blog is dedicated to the high school A.T.; and the care & prevention of injuries to adolescent athletes. So, I must interpret research and apply it in a manner that suits my setting.
I often work with classified athletes. For example, emotionally disturbed, ADHD, neurologically impaired et al. Yes, they are athletes too, and they have spines that get injured. In addition, I work with the "teenage" population. I know what would happen if I left them alone 5 minutes with one of those pressure gauge bags & an ultrasound unit. They would probably be text messaging their boyfriends, while talking to their friends, with an I Pod in their ear. A few would probably be beating each other over the head with the pressure bags.
I don't pretend to have all the answers, but since this is my blog I get to be selfish & tell you how I approach the issue.


Anonymous said...


Great job with this blog! I look forward to your thoughts on this topic! Keep it up.


Athletic Blueprints said...

Can't wait to hear what you have to say. As for the athletic population classification, "you too?"

Brian Green said...

I hope you comment how unfortunately a body of research has been possibly been misinterpreted to suggest that only 1-2 muscles are the root of all LBP.
Your blog is just sick with practicality backed by the literature...! A joy....!
Apologies if I've stole some thuner....